Eriata Dania - Director

Tell us a bit about yourself! What's your day job, your interests, your life look like?

My name is Eriata Dania, I am a HR Business Analyst, and I am currently working on an implementation project in Cenovus. I am married and have four children. I love reading and hiking.

Why did you choose to join the Board at NHA (and if relevant, your particular seat)? How long have you been with us?

Volunteering has always been important to me and at one of the places, someone I volunteer with as a mentor suggested I apply for a board role that had opened up at NHA.

I liked NHA’s mission and was intrigued with their unique housing model.  I applied and joined the board in January 2017. I chair the HR and Governance committee.

What is one thing you've learned about affordable housing since joining the Board?

Government needs to address some structural barriers to inclusive growth in the housing market and to boost the overall supply of affordable housing.

What's your favourite thing about NHA, or something you wish everyone knew?

What I love about NHA is the leadership and staff truly care and are committed to the needs of NHA residents and community as a whole.

What's a quote or sentiment you live by?

I don’t have a quote but the sentiment I live on is a poem called ‘desiderata’, I received a long time ago and love it.

Coffee or tea?

Tea always!


Bryan Slauko - Chair


Roland Walters - Vice Chair