Kate Van Fraassen - Director

Tell us a bit about yourself! What's your day job, your interests, your life look like?

Life is busy these days with a young toddler at home. Between family walks to check out all the birds and ducks of the neighbourhood, and my day job as a city planner, both my husband and I get out skiing and mountain biking as much as we can - sometimes in our beloved campervan. 

Why did you choose to join the Board at NHA (and if relevant, your particular seat)? How long have you been with us?

I am a newbie board member, having just joined the board at the start of 2022. I feel remarkably lucky to have an opportunity to contribute to NHA as the diversity of people living in Sunnyside is one of the aspects I value the most about living in this community. Housing that is affordable and accessible to a wide range of individuals is the cornerstone to ensuring diversity within a community, and NHA is a leader in doing just that. 

What is one thing you've learned about affordable housing since joining the Board?

One thing I have learned about affordable housing since joining the Board is that innovation in the approaches and models for providing housing is key to meeting the increasing need for affordable housing not just in Hillhurst-Sunnyside, but across Calgary and the country. 

What's your favourite thing about NHA, or something you wish everyone knew?

Something I wish everyone knew about NHA is how incredible and dedicated the staff are. 

What's a quote or sentiment you live by?

Nothing is black or white, embrace the grey! And that in a world that is sometimes feeling more and more disconnected, small daily human interactions are what matters, even if it is just smiling and saying hello to someone.  

Coffee or tea?

Coffee...more than I sometimes like to admit. 


Eric Beaton - Treasurer


Mark Roberge - Director