Staff Share What Makes Them Proud to Work at NHA 

Switching things up a little bit this month, we're sharing a little behind-the-scenes perspective from our amazing staff! Here on ye ol’ blog, we tend to focus on what living with us is like because we’re proud of the work we do to keep people appropriately and affordably housed  AND because it’s the important information so many of you need to know!  

But our staff form a huge and vital piece of our community and we are proud of that - and them - too. So we wanted to share a bit about what THEY have to say, what they love about being here every day. 

Much like our housing, our staffing has a low vacancy rate (that’s a cute way of saying, staff tend to stick around a while!). And as easy as it would be to make assumptions about why (professional development opportunities, inner city offices in the best neighbourhood around, flexible working conditions), we thought it would be better to hear it straight from them. 

So, what do staff at NHA feel most proud of? Let’s dive in: 


NHA leads with a real open-door policy, from as far up as the Board of Directors, who make themselves available to staff anytime they need, to management and all employees.  

As NHA is a small organization, we’re able to keep a bit of a family feel. Everyone at the organization works together to remain intentional about preserving positive daily interactions with one another and staff specifically report a “minimal sense of hierarchy”. Each person gets the time and individual attention to ensure their role is understood and each person understands the value their role – and they themselves! -  bring to the organization. 

“Even if we don’t end up agreeing, we have a voice and we get a say”  

Read More: How NHA Creates a Culture of Collaboration and Engagement 

THE DISNEY MOTTO (exceed expectations)

Staff not only embody the values of our organization, but they choose us because of those values. When asked recently what makes staff proud to work at NHA, one of the common responses was that staff are empowered to make decisions and take the time to go above and beyond – with residents and with the community at large. We have the freedom to make someone’s day, improve someone’s home, and sit down to listen and share in the middle of a busy workday. 

Our collective objective, the one that informs so much of what we do here, is to have residents who feel supported, happy, and at home. Staff work to demonstrate kindness and patience and consider it a shared responsibility to ensure that everyone who comes in contact with our organization has a pleasant experience. 


Without exception, all of the staff of NHA are proud to be working at a non-profit. Recognizing that the work we do every single day goes towards making our residents lives better is key. And beyond that, the knowledge that the work we spend so much of our time, energy, and capacity on is work that supports the greater good gives staff a warm fuzzy feeling. As it should!  

Housing is arguably one of the greatest causes out there, as we know that without appropriate and affordable housing options, individuals and families cannot thrive, local economies suffer, and the toll on other systems is great indeed. 

Read More: The Human Right to Adequate Housing (a special report for the United Nations by the OHCHR)


Across the Board, staff deeply value the close relationships formed with residents. In so many organizations, close attachment is difficult or even discouraged for any number of reasons. However at NHA, we believe that personal relationships are an asset for everyone involved, and something to be sought - not only because everyone benefits personally from more meaningful connection and working and living close to people you enjoy, but also because relationships ensure we all care about the spaces and homes we’re co-creating and occupying. 

Staff can often be found offering ideas that might make our community more beautiful or enjoyable for residents, or ways we can all spend time together in shared spaces. And residents will often show up to our offices with food to share or a funny story to tell. It’s difficult to put into words the difference it makes to work somewhere where residents themselves, as well as staff, will go the extra mile to keep our shared community safe and well-kempt because we all take pride in working together to make it so.  

Plus, it takes what we do here at NHA beyond “in service” to “amongst friends”. Something to feel proud of, indeed. 


Increasing Internal Efficiencies Helps NHA Manage Inflation (So Residents Don’t Get Stuck Carrying the Costs) 


NHA’s Mixed-Income Model Creates Unique Opportunities – and Unique Challenges