Community Partners, Royop, fill a cupboard to support residents and neighbours
Community Partners, Royop, fill a cupboard to support residents and neighbours
What do you get when you unite a large, profitable development corporation with a softer side, and a small but mighty housing nonprofit? The perfect partnership.Or at least, that's how we feel about our relationship with Royop Development Corporation. Last spring we sat down with Royop and explained our hope - that all of our residents and community members experiencing a difficult phase, a financial setback, or experiencing poverty or homelessness in any given moment, would at the very least have access to some basic food stuffs and basic necessities right here at NHA; that we could offer some comfort and convenience in times of stress, and alleviate the often unbearable burden to run around town accessing various resources to make it through a tough time.Royop staff not only heard us, but they offered to jump right in with both feet. Using an organization-wide challenge they encouraged staff to donate all kinds of food, toiletries, pet supplies, cleaning products, toques, mittens, and more.
And boy did they. Just before the holidays, Royop's "Reindeer" delivered BOX after BIN after BAG of goods to the Norfolk office. They had come together to supply what we can only imagine will be about a YEAR's worth of support for community members in need. In the end we had more than enough to fill two cupboards full of supplies with plenty to spare and share in the coming months.
Partnerships like these and so many others are what allow us at NHA to do what we do every single day. They allow us to work hard at creating a safe, collaborative and inviting community where everyone belongs. And they support all of our residents in pursuing a stable life built around the foundation of home.
Thank you to all of the wonderful staff and families at Royop for your generosity!If you are a resident or neighbour struggling, or you know someone who is struggling, please send them down to our cupboard. Bring a bag if you can or grab one of ours, take what you need to get through. Leave the rest for the next person.Donations or contributions to our community cupboard can be made at our offices or by contacting [email protected]