NHA’s 2023 Report to Community
Our yearly report to the community on where we’ve been, where we’re going, how we’re getting there, and what makes us proud to be building community - and affordable housing - in our great city!
What Governance Means to NHA
Governance at NHA was designed specifically to include residents. Beyond the tactical, governance at NHA supports our values around community and inclusion. Find out what else governance means to NHA…
Community Stories: Meet Oxana
Oxana is a newcomer to Canada, arriving in 2022 with her son from Ukraine. Find out what she says about living with NHA in the Hillhurst-Sunnyside neighbourhood and being part of our community! And check out her incredible art -she was even featured on Global News!
The Wins, the Learnings, the Plans! What NHA is Up to This Year…
Staff really got down to business last year, and the results are in the pudding. We had lots to celebrate at our first team meeting of 2024 and plenty to fill the coming months, as well.
Here’s a peek at what we’re celebrating, what we’ve learned, and what’s coming in 2024.
NHA’s Resident Wellness Strategy: Research, Findings, and Next Steps
This year, NHA staff and our Board agreed that a priority for the year would be to consider resident wellness from each angle to ensure we continue to evolve and do our best to provide a safe, welcoming, and supportive home for those who make theirs with us.
Increasing Internal Efficiencies Helps NHA Manage Inflation (So Residents Don’t Get Stuck Carrying the Costs)
Our organizational day-to-day and the earning power of our residents are weaved together. And the economic pressures that are felt by one, are felt by the other.
Staff Share What Makes Them Proud to Work at NHA
Our staff form a huge and vital piece of our community and we are proud of that - and them - too. So we wanted to share a bit about what THEY have to say, what they love about being here every day.
NHA’s Mixed-Income Model Creates Unique Opportunities – and Unique Challenges
Norfolk Housing Association is unique in both our model and our approach. We’re proud to be unique, and ardent supporters of a mixed-income model; but the way in which we provide mixed-income housing (there are many ways) comes with some really unique opportunities, as well as some unique challenges.